so the continuation from below is......
..............at which point I saw the silver lining in the thunderclouds hovering over Baltimore and by the time we re-boarded the plane and took off 2 hours later I’d called my dear friend Mary-Hall in Denver where my connecting flight to Medford had already departed and made arrangements to crash with her if need be.
The flight to Denver was for certain one of two of the scariest flights I’ve ever been on...period. When I hit the ground in Denver (and by “hit”…that’s exactly what I mean) and called MH, she was already waiting at the airport for me. I spoke with the gate agent who suggested that I re-book on the same direct flight from Denver to Medford on Monday afternoon that I had missed on Sunday afternoon as that flight was the only one that hadn’t been having problems getting in on time (the smoke in California is really causing flight problems), took her advice, re-booked, and headed off to spend the night with my sweet MH and her husband (and let’s not forget Abby the dog) in their brand new house about 45 minutes from the Denver aero Puerto. We cruised home chatting 90 to nothing to the musical strains of our favorite CD (which I cannot identify to keep the reputations of both of our musical tastes intact) so thrilled to catch up on the past year of so that I haven’t seen her. Sweet August had dinner ready for us when we got there and after a bit more gabbing I crawled into bed with the windows open and the night sounds and temperate clime of Colorado drifting through the screen over me.
Monday morning we got up early (sweet girl washed and folded the clothes I’d been wearing for me since my suitcase was not locatable the night before at the airport) and went to her church where she was the director of their Vacation Bible School. I mostly stayed out of the way (well, I did decorate a cardboard box…but…) while MH scurried about making sure everything went according to plan and thinking on her feet when no plan existed. I was thrilled to discover that there was a youth group there on mission trip helping out from Bolivar, Missouri where I was a few weeks ago playing at T.H.E.E. Camp (although disappointed to discover that none of the kids had been T.H.E.E. Campers, still….what are the odds?). After a lunch of Mexican food, a trip to the tailor to pick up a dress, a few minutes browsing an antique store (a favorite pastime of ours) and a bit of internet surfing at her house, it was time to head back to the airport to catch my flight to Medford….which is where I am as I write this…comfortably seated in an exit row seat (I have the entire row to myself) listening to Josh Radin, typing and glancing out the window at the clouds and mountains dropping away below me.
It’s been an amazing past four days of relaxing and friends….but I’m anxiously awaiting my arrival back at the Ranch. I believe that the Lord ordained this trip (And even the delay) for a certain purpose of vital spiritual importance, but to personal to publish on a blog to which the world has access, but I’m thrilled to be going back to JH….it’s time…I’m longing to continue the growth I began there and rest a bit more (even if that rest occurs on my knees scrubbing). On my solo the Lord gave me verses that begged Him to “teach me Your paths” and I am confident that I have walked His path this weekend...even though it seemed to lead a twisted unplanned direction. I think there was a big fat, wooden cross nailed to the side of the Denver airport for me asking me to pause there and fulfill the purpose He had for me that began in Bethany Beach, Delaware, and ended in the hall of a tiny church in East Boulder, Colorado.
I feel rejuvenated, restored, and ready to discover the rest of His purpose for me. I feel strong and confident like Lucy when Aslan breathed his great breath on her.
Post Script:
My body is pretty sure it has no idea what time zone, or state for that matter, it's in. I've given up trying to help it sort it all out. I think I’m just going to start sleeping when I’m tired and doing stuff when I feel awake and being where I am.
I am pretty upset you got to go to Boulder.
i am so glad for the rest and the purposefulness as well as fabulousness of you getting to visit marhall. p.s. even though sometimes we talk lots and sometimes little, He always uses your phonecalls in my life. i love you.
so cool that this worked out like it did. what are the chances? definitely sounds like a providential gift.
The CD you listened to in the car... It was DC Talk's "Free At Last" wasn't it.
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