Since I arrived at JH I’ve been not only playing violin, but also keeping busy working at my assigned job on “housekeeping staff.” Starting on day 2 of my “Everlasting adventure” at the ranch, I have found myself cleaning toilets, pressure washing the bathmats in the boys’ communal bathroom, doing laundry, vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing sinks, etc. It has been a humbling time for certain (funny enough the “word of the week” here at JH this week is “humility” hmmmm….) but I enjoy the satisfaction of seeing something dirty become clean (and TRUST ME…..with the boys toilets…there is lots of satisfaction to be had!) . The girls on housekeeping staff are WONDERFUL, as is Grace, our “mom” who keeps us all on task and under control (well, mostly.)
We start cleaning every day after breakfast by cleaning and resetting the tables in the staff dining area. Then we split into three groups and clean 1) the Lodge (where all the offices, the bookstore, the nurses’ station, the staff dining area, decks, game room and “fireside” meeting room are located, 2) the staff housing (parts of The Manor (full time staff), the Ritz, the Convent and the Bean (Girls’ staff) and the Boathouse (the boys staff communal shower)) and 3) the guest cabins (Cottowoods, Dogwoods, Maples, Madrones, Willows, Ponderosa, Redwoods, Birches, Hemlocks and one or two I’ve forgotten…keep in mind that each of these guest cabins has a side A and side B).
A few days ago, Chef Bob brought out “special breakfast” for us as we reset the tables after breakfast for lunch. It turned out to be bowls of chocolate mousse with whipped cream topping (mmm mmm good!) and as one might expect, we got a little crazy with it……this picture is (Left to Right) Joy, Emily, Claire, Me and Jenny.
[so my blog is having issues and won't let my post my pictures. sad. will do it soon.]
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