Monday, August 4, 2008

Courson McNuggets

The Lord gave me Psalm 25 on my solo (see previous post about my solo time in the river) and I've read it almost every day that I've been here at the ranch. The following are excerpts from the Courson commentary (See post about Applegate church). I LOVE his perspective on Psalm 25. Wish I could post the entire thing...but for now...excerpts are in order. Figured I'd give you a serving of Courson McNuggets before we ate any more Piper keep the flavours fresh and new.
You might want to start by reading Psalm 25 (if you aren't near a Bible, visit this link;&version=47; ) I've posted the corresponding verses that the following comments were made on.

*(v1-3) Looking back, I can see that whenever I have been ashamed, it's always been the result of a lack of hope. Romans 5:3-5 states "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing hat tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed....."
When you're in the middle of a trial, you often have no choice but just to wait it out as patiently as you can. As you do, you gain experience, seeing that the Lord will never leave you. This experience gives you the hope that God will be with you in whatever lies ahead. Knowing this, you don't have to embarrass yourself by attempting to manipulate situations. Instead you can be at absolute peace knowing God is in absolute control.
*(v3b-5) What does it mean to wait on the Lord?...We are to say, "I'm here to serve You, Lord, with the sacrifice of praise. I'm here to spend time with You. I'm here to love You." Waiting on the Lord doesn't mean sitting idly, wondering when He's going to show up. It means waiting on Him to no less degree than a devoted waiter [in a restaurant] would do.
*(v12-14a) So often we ask the Lord what His heart is and then think we have the option of deciding whether or not we want ot go His way. God is not obligated to share His secrets with us if we are not committed to obeying the directions He gives. The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, with those who are in awe of Him, with those who are determined to obey. It is the man who says, "Lord, You are my God. You are my King. And what You tell me to do, by Your grace and with Your help, I am determined to do," who will know His will. Sometimes people say they're not being directed by the Lord, that they don't know what His will is for them. And sometimes we need to say, "Have you obeyed the last think He told you to do?" You see, I have found that He won't allow my spiritual "in-box" to pile up. He only gives me one assignment at a time. And when I do that, He gives me the next thing to do. When we do the last thing God told us to do is when we'll be told the next thing we need to do.

1 comment:

kristina said...

Aww...Bethany, that's great! I'm in an in between kinda place right now...the place where a lot of patience and humility are in order. Waiting for Him to reveal the next chapter! Thanks for sharing =)