* The first was actually a bumper sticker stuck on a large new model SUV while driving through Memphis, Tennessee. It read "My child has more chromosomes than yours" in large letters and underneath proclaimed "downs syndrome association."
*The next was spotted somewhere between Grenada and Greenwood, Mississippi and was a "public service announcement" billboard that proclaimed "Hey, Mississippi! If our children can't read, we're all losers." Classy, eh?
*My favorite by far however was spotted outside of Louisville, Kentucky. It was a 4'x4' or so white, square, homemade plywood sign tacked to the gate of a rounded arch entryway to the "Summer-(wood, dale, somthingorother) Farm" and its neatly stenciled painted letters advertised "USED COWS FOR SALE!!" Really? I've heard of used furniture or used cars but never used livestock. I can't even imagine what that could possibly mean (and believe me...I had several hours on the road to try to figure it out!) and I'm not certain I really want to know.
Hey, ain't that America?
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