The auditorium....before the audience arrived! What a great venue!

David and the rest of the band rehearsing for the show!
Whew. So I’ve clearly (again) fallen behind on my writing. So much has happened since my last entry that there is no way I could possibly try to catch up in detail….so I’ll give you a brief overview:
July/August: Spent a fabulous month at the JH Ranch serving in the worship band as well as on the high ropes courses. It was an amazing time again to see so many lives radically changed, including my own (again!) and to spend time with friends new and old and get in some good ole fashioned camping and such!
September: Got to spend a wonderful week in Colorado with my dear friend Mary-Hall and her husband August (the man, not the month). Keith was out there as well for some meetings the first part of the week so we got to explore Rocky Mountain National Park, the first snow of the year on Pikes’ Peak and take a tour of Compassion (Keith’s company) Headquarters.
October: lead worship at a few wonderful Outback America events……but most notably, KEITH AND I GOT ENGAGED ON OCTOBER 11 on a Ronnie gig in Asheville, North Carolina. He took me to the Overlook at The Cove, the Billy Graham training facility and got down on one knee. It was the most perfect proposal that I can imagine. For the entire story, check out our wedding website here.
November: In the midst of lots of wedding planning and traveling, I started a Fall/Christmas tour with Christian singer David Phelps. It’s a great gig….lots of nice people…but whew! Learning all the music is quite a challenge! Keith and I were also blessed to get to spend an entire week in North and South Carolina visiting his entire family for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful visit and I got to meet (amidst a gaggle of aunts, uncles and cousins) Keith’s Grandmother, Dad, Step mom Dreama, and older brother Brian, the 4 members of his family I hadn’t gotten to meet yet. They were wonderful and it’s at Dreama’s request that I’ve decided to return to my blog once again. You can thank her, or blame her, however you want to look at it. ;)
And I guess that brings you up to snuff on my life, in short, over the past few months. At present, I’m sitting on stage at a church in Texarkana, Arkansas in the middle of sound check (It’s taken me about 4 hours to write this blog installment because I keep having to stop and work. Haha.) for our second Christmas show of the tour. We kicked it off last night at “The Pentecostals of Alexandria” in Louisiana and are excited about another great show tonight. Christmas is such a fun time of year for me because it’s really the only time of year that I get to sing anymore…and while background vocal parts are always a challenge, it’s fun to dust off my vocal chords and give it a whirl. Speaking of….I think I’m needed onstage again. J Keep checking back…it’s going to be a busy December and I’ll be blogging along the way. Merry Christmas!